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How to Avoid Exercise Induced Injury

8 Simple Ways To Avoid Exercise Induced Injury


Being able to run means a lot to many patients. Both for their physical and mental health. This article may give you some tips on how to specifically avoid a running injury,  upon resuming exercise after a prolonged period of time away from exercise.

Running injuries that include lower limb tendinopathies (achilles & plantar fascia), calf/knee pain,  and lower back pain, are often sustained during an attempt to try and get "fit and healthy" again after a spell of not exercising.  

For the most part, the majority of injuries are due to a rapid increase in exercise volume and intensity from previous levels of physical activity. However, a majority of these injuries could have also been prevented with an appropriate exercise plan.

So without further ado, here are my 8 pieces of friendly advice to minimise your chances of getting injured so that you can stick to your New Year's resolution of getting fit...

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